Monday, 7 July 2008

Happy Days

I have desperately been trying to get my hands on the new issue of Burda magazine, I purchased last months issue by chance from WH Smith in Manchester Arndale (not the best place to spend any free time!) anyway, I had never seen it in their before and quickly grabbed myself a copy and rushed to the cash desk.  They don't seem to advertise the release date for the next issue, being a German magazine, I suppose it is different dates for different countries, so I have therefore being going to, said WH Smiths everyday that I am in work, which is 5 out of 7 days since the 20th June!!! When it got to the 3rd July and still no new Burda, I asked one of the staff in the store who continued to lie to me, stating that he had put them all out himself but miraculously they have all sold out!! but their was still Junes issue on the shelf!!  So there are clearly a massive amount of Burda nutters who go to the arndale, their sole purpose being to buy every issue of Burda so I can't get my hands on one!!! Any way the reason I was telling you all this story was, as I was in their again yesturday looking for said Burda magazine, muttering to myself insanely, I looked up and their was the Fonz!!! yes you read right The Fonz or Henry Winkler, which ever you prefer!! he was doing a book signing ......... in the ARNDALE!!!! I took a picture but all I had was my mobile phone so its not the best, but still The Fonz!!!

This is the pic i took!! I told you it was bad!!


Anonymous said...

I think that clerk was just spouting nonsense! BWOFs never arrive in the UK shops until the 5-10th of the month, and subscribers usually don't get them until the 10-15th. And I've never heard of a newsagent to keep old stock on the shelf once new issues are released!!

I wouldn't stop looking just yet... ;)

House Label said...

Thanks Melissa, I knew he was lying!! hanks for the update of the release dates, I will definately keep trying.

Many thanks :-)