Sunday, 22 June 2008

Finally!! We have curtains!!!

I decided that instead of being selfish and making myself things all the time, maybe I should make something for someone else.  So I made curtains!!!!! 

I found this fabric by chance in a store I go to in Manchester that sells remnant fabrics.  As soon as i saw it, I thought it would be perfect for the living room.  I bought all they had, as they sell by the weight it was £8.50 a kg so it only cost me £16.  I would have liked them to be fuller, as I only had enough to do a width in each but I'm still pleased with them.

I just wish I had enough left over to make some cushions.  

I also bought this fabric, but I'm thinking of making a trench coat out of this one!!

And I also need to find something to sew all my buttons onto!!

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