So its that time of year again, SALE!! when everybody goes crazy and buys aload of crap that they don't really want or need, and are only buying it because there is £20 off the original price, and its now only £120!! Well it happened to me, I don't really need any new shoes, well do we ever really NEED shoes? i must have over 50 pairs already!! This was the logic behind me buying them: I have to wear black shoes for work and as strange as it might sound, I only own one pair of black shoes!! I worked with shoes for many years so I got most of my shoes for uniform, that said, out of all the wonderful shapes, colours, boots, heels, flats and fabrics, why buy black shoes? so I always went for the brightest and prettiest of shoes, which was great when I worked there, but no so great now I need black shoes!!! anyway back to my logic, I need more black shoes!!! so there they were reduced from £90 to £59 so a whole £31 off, they fit perfectly or they did for the whole 3 seconds i had them on in front of the mirror in the store!! they are sling back so ideal for summer (.....or so I tell myself) they are patent so easy to clean!! and they were in the sale!! and the final reason...I haven't bought anything for ages, well unless you count the dress I bought last weekend!!! ooops