Sunday, 29 June 2008

"Hot Stuff"

Here it is, the coat I decided to make out of the fabric I showed you a few days ago, The fabric is by prestigious fabrics and is called "Hot Stuff" Its quite a heavy weight fabric meant for upholstery.
I used a pattern from the Burdastyle website called Talea
I Love It.
 I have yet to put fastenings on the front, as i think i want to use some sort of press studs rather than buttons, but i have made some fabric covered buttons to use for decoration. 
I took my time making it as i wanted it to be perfect and it is!! 
Mum always said the inside should always be as neat as the outside
well guess what mum, It Is!!

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Mmmmm shoes!!

So its that time of year again, SALE!! when everybody goes crazy and buys aload of crap that they don't really want or need, and are only buying it because there is £20 off the original price, and its now only £120!!  Well it happened to me, I don't really need any new shoes, well do we ever really NEED shoes? i must have over 50 pairs already!! This was the logic behind me buying them:  I have to wear black shoes for work and as strange as it might sound, I only own one pair of black shoes!! I worked with shoes for many years so I got most of my shoes for uniform, that said, out of all the wonderful shapes, colours, boots, heels, flats and fabrics, why buy black shoes? so I always went for the brightest and prettiest of shoes, which was great when I worked there, but no so great now I need black shoes!!! anyway back to my logic, I need more black shoes!!! so there they were reduced from £90 to £59 so a whole £31 off, they fit perfectly or they did for the whole 3 seconds i had them on in front of the mirror in the store!! they are sling back so ideal for summer (.....or so I tell myself) they are patent so easy to clean!! and they were in the sale!! and the final reason...I haven't bought anything for ages, well unless you count the dress I bought last weekend!!! ooops

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Finally!! We have curtains!!!

I decided that instead of being selfish and making myself things all the time, maybe I should make something for someone else.  So I made curtains!!!!! 

I found this fabric by chance in a store I go to in Manchester that sells remnant fabrics.  As soon as i saw it, I thought it would be perfect for the living room.  I bought all they had, as they sell by the weight it was £8.50 a kg so it only cost me £16.  I would have liked them to be fuller, as I only had enough to do a width in each but I'm still pleased with them.

I just wish I had enough left over to make some cushions.  

I also bought this fabric, but I'm thinking of making a trench coat out of this one!!

And I also need to find something to sew all my buttons onto!!

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

I made a skirt

So today when I should have been spending the day cleaning, I decided to make a skirt that i can wear for work tomorrow instead.
I got the pattern from Burdastyle its called Kasia and I love it, I think it turned out really well and I can't wait to wear it tomorrow.
it has a hidden zip and is gathered across the hips, its quite tight on the old buttox but I think thats just cos mine it quite big!!!
and after buying all those buttons, I still ended up stealing the ones I used for the skirt off a cardigan I hardly ever wear as none of the others were big enough!!

Monday, 16 June 2008

Buttons, Buttons, Buttons!!

so in a moment of madness, before I realised that i would need every penny I had to buy food and petrol!! I decided to buy 750 buttons from Etsy!!! Who needs food anyway, when you've got beautiful buttons!!!
I bought these.
and these.
and these.
and these.
and these.
and these.
and my favourite these.
and as a little surprise, when I opened the package there was a little free gift!
I can't wait to go to work tomorrow with all these in my hair!! everyone will be sooo jealous!!

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Fathers Day

Happy Farters Day Dad!!!!!

Well, what can I say to the greatest dad in the whole world?  I know we all think our dads are amazing but mine really is.  He has always been their for us and always making us laugh.  When ever I think of you dad you make me smile, the little daft things you do and say, the little comments we make that only we know what they mean "K...L...ASHED & SLOPS!!" it makes us feel close to you and we love you for it.  I used to love having you all to myself when I was younger and I felt so proud when we went somewhere together, whether that was watching you work and being amazed that no matter what the problem, my dad could fix it, or even just walking to the shops and being able to have an in depth conversation with you and feeling like an adult.  If I ever made anything at school it would always be with you in mind.  I am always thinking of you and missing you dearly.  Happy Farters Day Dad, Hope you have a lovely day, sorry I can't be with you on your special day.  Love you lots dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

I'm finally a Blogger!!

Hello and welcome to House Label,

This is my first post and my first blog for that matter!  This blog will be dedicated to all things crafty, I love to sew and be creative, (I have my dear old father to thank for that) and I am always looking for a new project which I usually find on Burdastyle.  I am a huge Burda Nurda!!! 

See you all soon