New York has been and gone in a flash.....it was everything I had ever imagined and more!!
It was amazing , I had such an amazing time, can't believe I was ever there.
What was more amazing was that I went for the day!! Yes...the DAY!!
I set off From Manchester, England on Sunday Morning and set off back from JFK sunday evening, arriving back into Manchester early Monday Morning. All in all it was 28 hours which gave me 6 hours free time in NYC!!
I saw all the sights, went to Bloomingdales, F.A.O Schwartz (played on the BIG Piano!), Tiffany's. I strutted my stuff down 5th Ave, I saw the Rockefeller Centre, Times Square, Chrysler Building, Empire State, Ground Zero, Wall St, the Statue of Libery from Battery Park and to finish drove over the Brooklyn Bridge!!
I had a driver for the day which is how I managed to fit so much in. It was the experience of a lifetime and I will remember it forever, I just wish I had experienced it with my husband, but that will have to wait till next time.
I now have my shop open on
Etsy, it will have an array of items including cross stitch and crocheted goods. My shop is called Houselabel, click on the link above and it will take to it.